The Land-based Pre-apprenticeship is an ideal pathway for progression within the wider rural sector (including farming, horticulture, food production, forestry, game and wildlife, land-based engineering, conservation and landscaping) allowing new entrants to earn and learn in the workplace whilst also gaining a vocational qualification (SCQF4). Accredited by the Scottish Rural College (SRUC), the programme is currently funded by Scottish Government and administered by Skills Development Scotland, on an extended pilot basis.
Nearly 65,000 people work in Scotland’s agriculture industry and 80% of Scotland’s landmass is used for agriculture. Food and drink is one of the most important and fastest growing sectors in Scotland. This is a vital industry that is important to the food security of every nation and region. It is also a significant sector of the economy that includes a large number of small businesses.
Working in the land-based sector offers a lifestyle that is diverse and rewarding, with a range of benefits:
The ultimate aim of the Land-based Pre-apprenticeship is to help prepare young people for employment in agriculture and the wider rural sector.
The programme provides practical experience, training and knowledge allowing the candidates to make informed decisions as to how they would like their career to progress.
Working in collaboration with Borders College, the successful applicants undertake an upfront 2-week induction on a college campus; involving a range of activities and certificated training as follows:
Up to £1500 of training will be offered to each candidate with an element of certified training tailored to individual needs.
Following the upfront induction, successful pre-apprentices commence their individual placements with an approved mentor business for 26 weeks. The work placement is fully paid, based on 40 hrs per week. Payment for time worked is in accordance with the Scottish Agricultural Wages Board (SAWB).
All candidates who successfully complete the programme will receive a certificate of completion awarded from Borders Machinery Ring.
Borders College: Provide the facilities for a induction. SRUC also deliver the Certificate of Work Readiness (CWR) together with additional training units and farm visits
Borders Machinery Ring: Provide the day-to-day management of the programme, recruit and support candidates along with the mentor businesses, and provide certified training for the trainees.
For any queries contact: Fiona Marwick or Michael Bayne 01896 758091 or