British Wool opens Selkirk Depot
A £2.3m British Wool depot in Selkirk has been opened which will strengthen commitment to sheep farmers in Scotland and Northern England as well as providing better access for members to deliver fleeces and helping improve efficiencies in the grading and processing of wool, it is claimed.
The British Wool Borders building in Selkirk was officially opened bysheep farmer Cammy Wilson of YouTube’s ‘The Sheep Game’ during an open day formembers on 2 August.

“It is fantastic to see our Selkirk depot up and running and gradingfleeces already,” said Andrew Hogley, CEO of British Wool. “It has been asignificant investment for us as a business, but one which highlights ourcommitment to improving British Wool’s operations.”
British Wool has beenin the Borders for over 70 years and the facilityis expected to secure 20 full-time jobs as well as creating at least five newpositions.