As part of BMR’s commitment to providing its members with the best solutions, we continue to offer a financial rebate scheme on Case IH purchases.

As part of BMR’s commitment to providing its members with the best solutions, we continue to offer a financial rebate scheme on Case IH purchases.
With over 175 years of industry experience behind it, Case IH can boast of a global presence in more than 160 countries.
As part of BMR’s commitment to providing its members with the best solutions, we continue to offer a financial rebate scheme on Case IH purchases.
The Scottish Machinery Ring Association Retrospective Rebate Scheme provides a rebate over and above any agreement between the purchaser and their dealer.
Farmers continue to negotiate with their dealer when they buy a tractor or any other Case IH machinery, then they send a copy of all appropriate paperwork to the BMR office. This paperwork must depict the relevant serial number for Case IH auditing purposes and copies must be dated for the year in which the claim is made.
Details of what exactly is required and rebate rates for the 2022/23 scheme are available from the BMR office or your local dealer.
This annual scheme runs from the 1 December to the 30 November inclusive.